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Usage of "HOW COME" vs "WHY" question

Today I going to show you how to avoid the mistake of using HOW COME and WHY. For WHOW Come is a common expression in English. It's an informal way to ask a question but also not all questions can be asked or using this form. 

How Come Vs WHY

When do we use HOW COME?

We use HOW COME when we want to ask WHY something happened. It is used in infirmal questions. Take a look at these examples as below.

1. How come you didn't join Micky's weeding?

- I didn't join Micky's weeding because of Covid-19 outbreak.

2. How come you are going to be a doctor?

- To be a doctor, I have to study hard and get the 100% scholarship.

3. You are soaking dirty! How come?

- It is because of I played football with my friends.

4. How come your English is getting so much better than before?

- Ohh, I have doubled learning English with Rean English 168.

Now you see the words order in these sentences are different from the usual questions structure because the subject and the verb are not inverted.

It will be incorrected if you use the sentence as below:

- How come didn't you do........?
- Hoe come do you want to be .....?

The correct words would be used as: 

- How come you didn't do........?

- Hoe come you want to be .....?

But if you to use the sentence with WHY, instead of with HOW COME, then you can use the question as bellow:

1. Why didn't you join Micky's weeding?

2. Why are you going to be a doctor?

3. Why are you soaking dirty?

4. Why is your English getting so much better than before?

Yap this is all for today and I hope you like this lesson and videos. Please help to subcribe the YouTube Channel and follow us on Facebook page

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