Topic: The Traffic Jam in Phnom Penh

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen
My name is Mr. Sao, from Kandal Province, Today I am so glad that teacher gives me the great opportunity to do the presentation. Before I start my presentation, I think that everyone already knows from morning to night there are a lot of people with traffic jams in Phnom Penh and it makes us so difficult to go to study, to work, to buy or sell something, etc. Why there is a lot of traffic jams in Phnom Penh? and where do the crowded come from? So my presentation today is talking about the traffic jam in Phnom Penh.
In my presentation, it's divided into 4 main parts that cause this problem.
- First, The movement from a rural area to Phnom Penh.
- Second, The increasing vehicle in Phnom Penh.
- Third, Less understanding the traffic law.
- The Conclusion of my presentation.
So don't vest our value time let's get start it.

First, The movement from a rural area to Phnom Penh. Why everyone keeps moving to live in Phnom Penh? Phnom Penh is the capital city of Cambodia. It's not only the capital, but also the largest in terms of population. It has a population of 1,501,725 people. Stretched across the total area of almost 232 square miles, the population density is 5,700 people per square kilometer. There are more males than females living in this city, with the latest counts showing that there are 792,926 women
and 708,799 men in Phnom Penh. They come from all of the provinces in Cambodia to continue their education. Imagine that there are at least over 50,000 people who had to graduate their Bachelor's degree
per year and some continued to master or doctor degree and then they find the job and living there
So in the next 10 years there are about 500,000 people increasing in Phnom Penh. Moreover, there are over 10,000 people from the factory's worker because Phnom Penh is the center of the business industry.
And Some people come for trading and return home on the same day. My first point has finished so let's go to the second part.
The increase of the vehicle in Phnom Penh. According to the Ministry of Public Work and Transportation, The Poorly developed road infrastructure has proven no obstacle for Cambodia’s upwardly mobile population, who are buying cars and motorcycles in record numbers, new data shows.
The number of registered vehicles in Cambodia grew by 14 percent last year, with more than 3.2 million
vehicles now registered, including 2.7 million motorbikes, according to figures released on 07 Mar 2016 by the Ministry of Public Works and Transport. A local car distributor attributed its annual growth in sales to overall economic growth in Cambodia, which has caused people not only to buy more used vehicles but new vehicles as well. And refer to the number of Vehicles and the movement of the people
it makes this city full of cars and motor on the public road and Cambodia is the top 3 country that has the most of motors in Asia. Now my second point is done so let's go to the third party.

Third, Less understanding the traffic law. As Cambodia is a developing country so there till a few people
that not yet learning about the traffic law they understand only the traffic light but some of the traffic signs on the road. For example for the people in a rural area, they travel to Phnom Penh they always afraid of the police and always travel in the wrong direction which makes a lot of traffic on the road and some roads it has the sign No Parking and they don't understand about it and then they will be fined
by the police from 80000 rail or more than that. Some people they had learned about the traffic but they still not obey the traffic light or traffic signs as they think that on the road there is no police so they proceed without a care about anything. In this case that makes more traffic accident and some patients had lost their lives and some has become the disability people because of careless and etc. After that let's go to the conclusion. In Conclusion, we can prevent these traffic jams by the government should move the school and all the factories into a particular area that is easy for them and away from the city. More than this, the government should persuade all the people that have a vehicle to learn the traffic law and increase the highest find to whom across by the law. It is brought to the end of my presentation and thanks to you very much for your listening from the start to the end. So should you have more questions please ask me and I will try my best to answer all your wondering.
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(Note: this presentation is for learning purpose only)