Topic: Roads Accidents in Lao

Ladies and Gentlemen
It is my great pleasure to be with you this morning.
Do you know how many people die each year from road accidents in the world?
According to the World Health Organization in 1999, there were about 500,000 people who lose their lives each year as a result of road accidents and over 15 million have suffered injuries related to road accidents.
How about in Laos? In 1999, there were more than 400 vehicle accidents killing more than 350 people throughout the country. The death rate was 17.7 per 10, 000 vehicles. Laos has the second-highest number of road fatalities in South East Asia.
Therefore the purpose of my presentation today is to talk about Road Safety Development in Lao PDR.
My presentation is divided into four parts:
First, I will talk to you about the situation of road accidents.
Secondly, I will tell you about the government's efforts to solve these problems
Finally, I will present some recommendations, and tonally my conclusion.
Now, Ladies and gentlemen, Let me start by giving you some situation of road accidents. Road accidents have caused not only material losses but moral as well to society. During the past ten years, the number of road accidents has increased dramatically from 120 fatalities in 1990 to 350 in 1999. The costs of the damages have risen from 1 million US$ to 3 million U55. Thousands of handicapped pose social problems" to the government and society.
Now, let me inform you about the causes of road accidents. There are four main causes. First, the increasing number of right-hand-drive vehicles has caused accidents because the roads were designed for only left-hand drive vehicles.
Second, The knowledge of traffic laws and regulations is still weak. People are not aware of the danger of leaving cattle on the road. Third, the poor conditions of the road and the mixed traffic of motorized and non-motorized vehicles contribute towards accidents too. Fourth, Road users violate traffic rules.
We have seen the situation and the main causes of road accidents in my country, now let me move onto my second part that deals with the government efforts to solve these problems.
The safety issue is always been the main priority of government policy on transportation. Recently the government has adopted several Laws such as Lawson Transportation, on Traffic, on Urban Planning following by related regulations. To ensure the effectiveness of the implementation of these Laws, the National Road Safety Committee has been established.
After giving YOU a summary 0f the government efforts, let's turn to my recommendations.
I believe that in order to reduce the number of road accidents, the government has to develop a road safety master plan which consists of six activities as follows:
+ Improvement of the accident data collection system
+ Training programs on road safety
+ Incorporate traffic safety discipline into the school curriculum
+ Upgrade the technical vehicle inspection center
+ Improvement of road design and maintenance
+ Introduction of traffic Laws and regulations to target groups of the population.
So, we have seen the overall situation, the main causes of road accidents, the government efforts to solve the problems, and my own recommendations.
Now let me conclude:
The target of road accident reduction will not be realized if the support and cooperation of the concerned parties are not there!
Thank yours attentions
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